Wednesday Aug 02, 2023

Unconventional Intervention, with Peter Aitchison

Disclaimer: This episode is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as advice. This is a platform provided for people to share their stories, and this is Peter's story. 

When Peter was 27 he was diagnosed with type 2 bi-polar disorder, and a lot of his past behaviours started to add up. He took his doctors advice and began traditional treatment methods. For a time they provided a new perspective which was helpful. Almost a decade later, the treatment was not serving him. He was depressed, an alcoholic and felt hopelessly a victim to his diagnosis.

Peter started to hear positive things about "Magic Mushrooms" to treat his treatment-resistant depression. He went off his meds and decided that when he got depressed (when, not if), he would try Mushrooms. Since then he has developed a protocol for himself that he follows, and the results, Peter shares, have changed his life for the better.

Peter has not only lost a significant amount of weight, quit smoking, and quit drinking, but also improved his marriage, chose the right relationships to keep in his life, and let go of the ones that weren't serving him, and ultimately found his purpose. 

You can find Peter through his website and on Instagram at @fthegup

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